Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Since we moved back from Utah, I have been trying to get things taken care of. I am currently looking for a house for us to move into, working on getting our house sold, cleaning the house, and most importantly taking care of my family. Somewhere in there I have been trying to work out and have some time for myself too. Brandon has been great about taking the kids and letting me do that. I love him!

What's going on with Brandon

Brandon and his partner have started "Engraven Image", a new business engraving concrete. They stain and engrave concrete indoor or outdoors and make it look like whatever you want. Flagstone, brick, tile, putting animals in it etc. They are working hard and having fun. If you want to check out the website it is www.engravenimage.com


Raigan is getting so big. She is almost 8 months now and is crawling all over the place. She has quite the personality. She has started saying "dadda" and "Ry Ry" to get her dad and her brothers attention and she follows me all around the house with a big silly grin on her face. She is so cute and we love her so much!

Revyn's Dance Class

Revyn started her dance class this week too. She has been asking to go to dance class for 6 months. She has been walking on her tip toes since she could walk and we finally got settled enough for her to do it. She had a harder time with this move so it gives her something to look forward to and she has been having a lot of fun. She is so smart and definately knows how to get what she wants. We love her so much!

Ryan's Jiu jitsu Class

Ryan started Jiu jitsu this week. He is the youngest kid in his class, but he keeps up with everyone pretty good. He is having a lot of fun. Brandon had to talk to him about his ego the first few days because he would take someone down and then tell the semsei, "I beat him up" everytime. He is really eager to learn and does his best to follow the older kids leads. We are very proud of him. He's such a stud!